#mutemonday Episode. 7 - Harmon Mute comparison and history!

Here’s the 7 installment of an exciting new series on trumpet mutes, #mutemonday

Each week I’ll be demonstrating and discussing new trumpet mutes. Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel to get updates every week.

Quite possibly the most popular mute out there, and certainly the most recognizable sound, the Harmon mute is a staple in nearly every trumpeters collection. In this week's #mutemonday video I explore all of the current models of the Harmon brand "wow-wow" (most people just refer to it as a Harmon) as well as some interesting vintage Harmon brand mutes dating all the way back to the mid 1920s. I discuss and demonstrate the following Harmon mutes: Model A, B, C-A, L, D-A, D-C, Swingmaster, 1925 Stamped, and a 1930s copper. This video is not sponsored, but the new mutes were provided to me by Harmon so that I could compare all of the current models. www.JoshRzepka.com

Josh Rzepka